Connexions International Student Organization #218

When: Saturdays, 4 pm to 5 pm

Welcome to the University of Minnesota! We are a group of students at the U and community friends who enjoy reading and studying the Bible together. We would love for you to join us. Are you curious about who God is or what is in the Bible? Do you want to know more and learn about how you can walk in obedience to God? We understand that school gets busy and difficult. We understand that life gets lonely. Please join us so that together we can uplift and encourage, help and pray for and with each other in life’s journey. We also celebrate each other’s success, achievements, and highlights in life.

Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Come and fellowship and find friendship with us!

Location: We are currently online. Contact Sarman Gultom at


Love to read? We have a library!

Books to check out are located on the bookshelf in the CXI classroom.

Take a book home or relax and read on the gray couches outside the Snow Family Center.

  • If you need help checking out a book please ask your teacher, staff, or volunteers. When you check out a book, leave a piece of paper with your name and what books you are checking out.

  • Books are in alphabetical order by author last name.

  • Teacher resources on the bottom shelves are not to be checked out.